Class is in Session

I am wrapping up Week 2 of classes, and decided I should post a brief update.  We are so grateful for this experience and opportunity.  It has been a great ride so far.  Jenn and kids are doing really great, and the kids are adjusting miraculously well.  Sovereign Grace just updated their blog with our class picture so I figured I would post a link to it here.

The teaching has been deep, practical, pastoral, faith-filling, and intense.  It feels like drinking from a fire hose, but the water is sweet – more than ever, I have faith that the Bible is God’s very Words recorded for all generations to know His plan to offer salvation from our wickedness through Jesus Christ.  What a gift.

The class is bonding quickly; we are excited for each other and wanting to help one another succeed.  Our wives and children are spending time together, and we are all benefitting from wise counsel and encouragement from godly people here.  We are blessed.

PC Class of 2014

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