
People have asked how we are funding a family of 7 people for one year with no income.  Well, we have personally saved much of what we need, and our church has helped tremendously but we do not have enough money to complete this study program at this point.  We believe God has clearly called us on this journey (and at this time), and we believe He will provide what we need to do what He asked us to do.  If you believe in what we are doing and would like to help financially, here are some ways you can do this:

  1. Write a check to Gateway Ministries, which is tax-deductible (you can also request that it remain anonymous).  All funds will go to us to help cover tuition, housing, expenses, etc.  Mail checks to Gateway Ministries, P.O. Box 7301, Roanoke, VA 24019.  You will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year as long as you provide your address.  You can also contact me if you’d like to use PayPal instead.  Email me at emailreg [at]
  2. Support us while you shop at!   If you use that link and make a purchase, will send us a percentage of that sale (you won’t be charged any more money than normal – Amazon just splits their profit with us).  In most cases we will receive 4%-6% of your purchase amount.  This is anonymous so we will have no data telling us who purchased what.