Colin's LEGO[1] Walking Machines

I've had a fascination with walking mechanisms since I was about 15 years old.  My primary interest is in 6-legged walking mechanisms that have a single input but have a complete 2-D or 3-D output with an efficient walking gait.  Not an easy task, let me tell you (it's also a rather useless goal but hey, it's just for fun).  Today, it's no big deal to have one or two inputs per leg all plugged into a master controller. The LEGO Mindstorms are a great candidate for that task. Maybe one day...

LEGO builders: if you use my mechanism, please send me a link to your page.  I would love to see another one in action, and I'll be glad to link to your site!  If you have questions about these projects, feel free to contact me.

If you are interested in learning about Mechatronics and using the LEGO Mindstorm kits, you can visit my education site here. 

Prototype 1 - This is IT!  So big I had to use a hand crank.  It walked in slow motion, but boy was it cool to watch!  The rubber bands were there to counteract the weight of the legs to help them retract.  Completed in 1995.
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Computer Animation - maybe someday... just use your imagination.
Prototype 2 - This was a major development at the time.  On full batteries (D-size!), it could walk on its own.  The mechanism was quite different. It was actually inferior in a way, because it didn't have parallel arms like Proto 1, which meant it was less efficient because the legs would swing more that rise/fall.  Completed around 1997,98.
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Prototype 3 - This was the most successful version, using the best of both previous prototypes.  It uses an inverted slider-crank mechanism as the actuator, and the legs have a fairly good footprint due to the parallel arms on each leg.  The mechanism is symmetric, so it runs the same backward or forward.  Completed in 1998.
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Video clip1 mpg (320x200) 1.36MB
Video clip 2 mpg (320x200) 1.36MB




No Picture Available   Prototype 4 - I never took pictures of this guy.  It was basically Proto 3 with separate drive shafts for the left and right leg sets.  I had a manual transmission on it that allowed me to physically change the relative motion of one side to the other.  Fun but tedious! 


No Picture or Video available - sorry.


Prototype 5 - Not a replacement for Proto 3 for sure.  This one was just for fun.  The walking pattern is non-symmetric so it isn't as stable walking backwards.  It needed a counterweight (another motor) on the front to stabilize it.  Completed in 2000.
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Prototype 6 - This was really just for fun.  It implements concepts from the old wind-up toys of long ago.  Notice also that the motor with the crank wheel is the "power supply."  The LEGO gear motors are extremely efficient for generating EMFs (Electro-Motive Forces).  So, you connect one motor to the other, and they drive each other.  No batteries needed.   Completed in 2001.
Picture 1 jpg (800x600) 124KB
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Video clip mpg (320x200) 926KB


[1] LEGO® and MindStorms® are registered trademarks of the LEGO Group. This page is not endorsed by, sponsored by or approved by The LEGO Group in any way.